Computational fluid dynamics code for unsteady incompressible or compressible flows under the assumption of low Mach number. This code covers a wide range of applications: Natural, forced or mixed convection flows. Multi-species gases, inert or reactive media. Turbulent flows, following a DNS or LES approach. Incompressible two-phase flows. The geometries treated are of cartesian or cylindrical type. The numerical methods are based on an Eulerian discretization of the conservation equations of 2nd or 3th order in time and 2nd or 4th order in space (depending on the type of study). The resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations is performed using the projection method. For more information: https://sunfluidh.limsi.fr
Études : Département de Mécanique du LISN & collaborations externes
Information sur le code : https://sunfluidh.limsi.fr
Base de donnée produite avec le code : https://datasetmeca.limsi.fr
Dépôt APP 06/05/2013 - enregistrée le 19/05/2015 IDDN.FR.001.210034.000.S.C.2015.000.31235