The Sustainable ICT (SICT) Summer School is a interdisciplinaryevent that emphasizes learning as much as doing, and involves aseries of lectures as well as workshops. We start the week byexploring the current sustainability challenges and opportunitieswithin the ICT industry. In this context, we will also explore theevolving labour market dynamics influenced by advances in ICTand AI recognising the urgency of the sustainability challenges inICT, we will look at initiatives taken by both official bodies, such aspolicy makers, and unofficial entities, such as grass-rootorganisations and activists. At the end of the week, the SummerSchool aims to give participants a sense of agency by providingclear action steps. SICT 2024 aims to empower participants withknowledge, facilitate critical discussions and inspire concreteactions towards a more sustainable and equitable ICT landscape.
Climate, Colloquium