Colloquium, Sciences et Technologies des langues
The team’s scientific challenges concern oral, spoken and signed, languages, with the aim of linguistic description and modelling. The team brings together researchers in natural language processing and linguists to focus on the situated dimension of language: we use a variety of data, of different sizes and from different sources, illustrating linguistic variation in all its dimensions, from minimal units to meaning. Multimodal processing involving the written and aural variety of spoken languages as well as other visual information (e.g. occulometry), or owritten and aural varieties of different languages (e.g. sign language videos with French subtitles), is also at the heart of our concerns. Our work gives rise to a variety of applications: speech and sign language recognition and synthesis, dialogue systems. Our research is interdisciplinary by nature and requires skills in signal processing, linguistics and computer science. Our research is interdisciplinary by nature and requires skills in signal processing, linguistics and computer science.
The team’s activities are organised around three themes:
Work on multimodal and conversational information retrieval is centered around two main pillars: incorpo-
rating multimodality into information retrieval systems and studying dialogic interactions. In more detail, this
research is focused on how to represent multimodal data, taking into account contexts and various multi-
modal aspects in the developed representations, and addressing the challenge posed by the scarcity of avail-
able data. The artificial intelligence methods implemented also tackle issues related to handling degraded
data, continuous and interactive learning, while aiming to make model predictions understandable, with an
eye towards explainability.
Sign languages, which are poorly endowed languages, have a linguistic system resulting from their visuo-gestural nature: a large amount of information is expressed simultaneously and organized spatially, and iconicity
plays a central role. Computer modeling of SL requires the design of representations with little
available data, and where pre-existing models, which are essentially linear, have been developed for written
or spoken languages and do not cover all aspects of LS. Through projects and PhD theses and in collaboration with signers of these languages (e.g. deaf translators and journalists), we are tackling the following research question: How can SL be analysed, represented and processed? How can we take into account the linguistic specifics linked to their visual-gestural nature (multilinearity, spatialization, iconicity)? What types of approach are possible with little LSF data? Current projects are detailed on this page.
Research in this theme aims to understand the variation phenomena that underlie temporal and spatial
changes in spoken language and to develop models for use in automatic speech processing. One of our objectives is to structure the information in audio documents by developing models and algorithms
that rely on diverse information sources and can serve to detect the presence of speech, to identify the lan-
guage being spoken and to characterize the speaker(s), to transcribe the speech into text in the same or a
different language or identify specific entities or acoustic events. Concerning speech recognition, our research aims to complete the word sequence with punctuation and with paralinguistic information such as hesitations, laughter or breath noises. We also study frugal learning techniques and applied them to speech recognition for low e-resourced languages and tasks.
Colloquium, Sciences et Technologies des langues
M3, Sciences et Technologies des langues
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Research director
Team coordinator
Corpus linguistics, spoken language variation, multilingual corpora
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Senior researcher
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes team co-head
Sign language modelling and processing
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Senior researcher
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes team co-head
Sign language modelling and processing
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Associate Professor
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
CNRS researcher
Sign Language modelling and processing
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Emeritus Researcher
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Associate Professor
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Senior Researcher
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Fellow Researcher
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
Direction, LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Senior Researcher
LISN Director
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
PhD Student
Sciences et Technologies des Langues
LIPSLangue Interaction Parole et Signes
Research director
Team coordinator
Corpus linguistics, spoken language variation, multilingual corpora
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Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Article dans une revue
Article dans une revue
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Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès, Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Article dans une revue
Poster de conférence
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Communication dans un congrès
Autre publication scientifique
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Communication dans un congrès
Article dans une revue
Communication dans un congrès
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Article dans une revue
Pré-publication, Document de travail
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
Communication dans un congrès
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Communication dans un congrès
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