
Showing results 1 to 12 of 102 in total

Ouvrages : 1 to 12 of 102 in total

  • Ouvrages

    Jean-Daniel Fekete, Danyel Fisher, Michael Sedlmair. Progressive Data Analysis. Eurographics, pp.231, 2024, 978-3-03868-270-7. ⟨10.2312/pda.20242707⟩. ⟨hal-04776568⟩


    Year of publication

    Available in free access

  • Ouvrages

    Nicolas Froeliger, Joseph Mariani, Wallon Alain, Meunier Mikaël, Durand-Fleischer Dominique (Dir.). Trouver le sens : où sont nos manques et nos besoins respectifs ? . INIST-CNRS, http://lodel.irevues.inist.fr/tralogy/index.php?id=188, 2015. ⟨hal-01371212⟩

    Year of publication

  • Ouvrages

    Manolo Dulva Hina, Hongyu Guan, Nan Deng, Amar Ramdane-Cherif. CASA: Safe and Green Driving Assistance System for Real-Time Driving Events. Springer International Publishing, 15, pp.987-1002, 2018, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-56994-9_67⟩. ⟨hal-04489871⟩

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  • Ouvrages

    Robert Bob Cordeau, Laurent Pointal. Python 3. Dunod, 2020, 9782100809141. ⟨hal-04464977⟩

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  • Ouvrages

    Serge Sharoff, Reinhard Rapp, Pierre Zweigenbaum. Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Natural Language Processing. Springer Cham, 2023, Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, Graeme Hirst, 978-3-031-31383-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-31384-4⟩. ⟨hal-04470213⟩


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  • Ouvrages

    Hester Bijl, Didier Lucor, Siddhartha Mishra, Christoph Schwab (Dir.). Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Springer International Publishing, 92, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-00885-1⟩. ⟨hal-04459090⟩


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    Available in free access

  • Ouvrages

    Nicolas Sabouret. Understanding Artificial Intelligence. CRC Press, 2020, 9780367524357. ⟨hal-04442777⟩


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  • Ouvrages

    Laurent Bibard, Nicolas Sabouret. L'intelligence artificielle n'est pas une question technologique. Éditions de l'Aube, 2023, 978-2-8159-5422-8. ⟨hal-04442782⟩


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  • Ouvrages

    Wendy E. Mackay. DOIT: The Design of Interactive Things. Inria. 96 p., 2023. ⟨hal-04440366⟩


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  • Ouvrages

    Enki Bilal, Laurence Devillers. Intelligence artificielle : Enquête sur ces technologies qui changent nos vies. Flammarion, 2018, 978-2081445253. ⟨hal-04421738⟩


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  • Ouvrages

    Laurence Devillers. Les robots "émotionnels". éditions de l'observatoire, 2020, 979-1-03-290198-4. ⟨hal-04422029⟩


    Year of publication

  • Ouvrages

    Laurence Devillers. la souveraineté numérique dans l'après-crise. L'observatoire, 6, pp.35, 2020, et après ?, Muriel Beyer. ⟨hal-04421790⟩


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