Associate Professor
Head of VENISE
Our research aims at designing and studying new interaction methods in a context of immersion and collaboration between several users, remote or co-located. We pay particular attention to using models applicable to a wide range of immersive devices in terms of display (RAVE, CAVE, HMD, Workbench…) and multi-sensorial interactions (visual, audio, haptic…).
We design and evaluate the usefulness and usability of our VRVirtual Reality&A interaction techniques in various application domains (CAD, Bioinformatics, …), considering the human factor issues related to the use of VRVirtual Reality&A technologies as central to our concerns.
Associate Professor
Head of VENISE
Interaction avec l’Humain
Research Director at CNRS
co-Head & Founder of the VENISE team
President of EuroXR (European association of eXtended Reality)
Interaction avec l’Humain
Research Engineer
Lab Council member
VRVirtual Reality expert